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eNOVATION Exercise in Dortmund 28 February - 01 March 2025

Published at March 11, 2025

We are very pleased to announce that our first exercise successfully took place in Dortmund !
Thanks to the very hard preparation work and smooth organization from our colleagues from FDDO and our Exercise Director Sylvia Pratzler-Wanczura supported by ISEMI, the firefighters of Dortmund and our consortium members and observers were able to benefit at the best from this 2-day exercise.
On the 28th of February, after a warm welcome from FDDO and an introduction from our coordinator NCCN, 2 of our technical partners introduced the audience with 3 technologies for identification and decontamination of chemical and biological substances. Our colleagues from UCLouvain showcased the LAMP Backpack for identification and DECON VHP technologies, and our colleague from ADELFAS presented their Quixote project (for cold-plasma decontamination). The audience has then been presented with the Bullseye procedures by our colleague from ISEMI, and with a Psychological Emergency Care introduction by our colleagues from NUCPU.
On the 1st of March took place the Mass Decontamination field exercise on the site of the firefighter brigade of Dortmund. The real-life conditions exercise was preceded by a tabletop exercise to present the procedures that would be used. Then the First Responders have proceeded to the decontamination of 15 intoxicated role-players using all the high-quality tools at their disposal to handle this situation.
During these 2 days, our colleagues from KEMEA conducted a sharp evaluation of the activities, to make sure that they are fully adapted to our audience and to ensure that all possible improvements are made for future activities. In parallel, all eNOVATION partners were able to take advantage of this opportunity to get to know each other to optimize their future cooperation.
A huge thank you to all our partners who made these 2 days of exercises possible and fruitful, to all the partners and observers who attended the exercise, and to all the Dortmund First Responders who actively took part in the workshops and practical activities.
We're already looking forward to our next activity in Morocco in May.
Picture credit :  Fire Department of Dortmund.

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